U8 3x3 Philosophy

Our coed U8 3x3 program is designed to allow boys and girls to play the game in a fun and non-intimidating environment. We lower the hoops, use size 5 basketballs and modify some rules to make the games more enjoyable, increase the likelihood of success and enhance development.

We spend the first few minutes of each session with a warm-up then get right into playing games. There is a maximum of five teams in the program and each team plays a minimum of four 8-10 minute games. Each team also has a designated coach who also serves as a referee during the games.

While our focus is on fun and gameplay, our coaches also teach during the games. The coaches aim to help the kids develop their skills so they can play within the rules of the sport, i.e., reduce traveling and double dribbling. Some of the rule modifications also aim to help the kids begin to learn about the importance of spacing, the foundational concept for any good basketball team.